aimed at reducing the density of a topsoil

Thinnings are interventions aimed at reducing the density of a topsoil, to favour the development of some selected individuals, or guide the evolution of the repopulation in some other forest formation.

This operation requires great professionalism as it has the purpose of selecting the best built trees, which will form the mature stand. It is therefore essential to intervene in a timely and precise manner, taking care not to damage the residual trees, which constitute the heritage to be valorised.

The technology available allows us to reduce the cost of the intervention so as to make it cost efficient.

Why you should choose Massoni P&M

We have compact machines suitable for thinning and heavy models for cutting old and bulky plants.

Mechanization makes it possible to reduce the cost of the intervention so as to make it economically feasible.

With the correct management of wooded areas, the balance and wholesomeness of the forest is maintained

Do you have to carry out a forest intervention?


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